ONIS, Travel app

Never travel solo.

UX/UI Design

ONIS is a mobile app that saves time and increases productivity for solo travellers. It eases the frustration of having to figure out day-to-day schedules spontaneously with an innovative in-app companion, who reminds the traveller to keep track of time and AI-generated recommendations.


One of the most challenging parts of the planning process of a trip is the day-to-day itinerary. Lack of knowledge of neighborhoods in a foreign country and unexpected obstacles can hinder the traveller’s experience and put them behind schedule, leaving them to be not as productive as they wanted to be.


To create a travel oriented mobile application that’s AI-oriented, personalized, and would make the user more productive.


3 weeks


Product Designer

Skills Used

Usability Testing
Wireframing (Sketch)
Prototyping (InVision)
Motion (InVision)

Design Question

How can travellers get the most out of their trip?

Travel Industry Outlook

Each year, the global traveler pool is flooded with millions of new consumers from both emerging and developed markets, many with rising disposable incomes and a newfound ability to experience the world. Travel is outpacing the demand for goods. As of 2016, 55% of leisure travellers take just 1 to 2 vacations a year - and of this group, when presented with a promotion offer, 30% would do something when they weren't planning to. (Source: Deloitte’s 2019 US Travel and Hospitality Outlook, Google 2016 U.S. Leisure Traveler Study)

Empathizing & Defining

In-depth, open-question user interviews
Conducted 5 in-depth, open-question user interviews with travellers who have done a solo trip within the past year, focusing on their traveling choices, habits, and obstacles to understand and empathize for the user.

“I don’t want to commute somewhere and not be worth my time.”

“I have a visual map with a legend of a hierarchy of what’s most important to what I don’t mind missing out on.”

“I usually end up having too much free time so I have to now take time to see what’s nearby.”

“I overscheduled”

Competitive Analysis
Following, a competitive analysis was created to explore current solutions. Users utilized numerous apps for travel information, such as maps, scheduling, bookings, and social.


Based on our research, two personas were created, one traveller who follows a strict schedule and one who is more of a spontaneous traveller. This person was created with assumptions and was something I followed through to guide my design decisions and priorities.



I started to ideate and sketch out potential solutions within the problem space I identified.

ONIS_Research copy
Lo-fi Wireframing

Based on our storyboard and IA, I created lofi wireframes and created potential user flows to analyze the flow of interaction.



As ONIS is considered a companion along with the solo traveller, I wanted to make the UI feel ‘alive’, without using a character, to make the user feel engaged. Brighter, color, moving gradients and bouncy motion associated energy with the app, as the user will be using ONIS on-the-go.

Visual interactive map

As distance and time are top priority when planning out an itinerary, a visual map was utilized to ease finding nearest and fastest activities, increasing productivity.

map flow
add flow
AI recommendations

ONIS generated recommendations on an algorithm based on the user's timed schedule, distance, and past activities done.