September 30, 2020No Comments

Tone Output and Servo Motor Control (Class 4)


Successfully connected the speakers, added a delay() so the for loop wouldn't replay continuously to have a scratchy sound. I added a potentiometer to create a volume control. Video:

Playing a musical instrument

My first resistor didn't play nor did the other force resistors played different notes. The original code from the lab did not play continuously - with the help of Sean, instead of using for loops, variables + booleans were used instead and the sound was continous. It is a wiring issue > coding issue.

Motor control


Project 1 Concept(s)

Sing-along game

The speaker will play 3-4 notes (C, A, B, G) and the player will have to repeat what is played. There are 3 levels. If the player loses before the 3 levels, the LED light will turn red, and if all 3 levels are passed, the LED light will turn green. There can be an additional component with a trap door and a "lose" and "win" sound.

Mock Recorder Instrument

Create an instrument with the same fingerings as a recorder. Or an ocarina!

September 23, 2020No Comments

Digital Input and Output, AND Analog Input with an Arduino (Class 3)

Lab 1: Connect a digital input circuit and a digital output circuit to a microcontroller.

Obstacles: Downloading the Arduino program and pairing it with my Nano 33ioT.

Lab 2: Connect a variable resistor to a microcontroller and read it as an analog input. You’ll be able to read changing conditions from the physical world and convert them to changing variables in a program.

Obstacles: Getting the 2nd LED to pair with the 2nd force sensor.

September 16, 2020No Comments

LEDs and Buttons (Class 2)

Getting all my packages and opening up everything to an array of parts I barely even remember ordering was definitely intimidating.

Preparing my breadboard, I realized with the help of others that Arduino + Micro USB cable = DC Power Jack + Regulator. I went through multiple ways to create a successful circuit around the board.

As for the pushbuttons, it came with ease to have the LEDs light up with ALL or one at a time to light up one LED. However, I tried to experiment and try to pair a button with each light, and unfortunately could not figure it out. I tried combining what I've learned however, the first LED would light up no matter what due to my connecting wires finding a way back to the same row as the Red pushbutton.